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Writer's pictureZsolt Fekete

The Mirror of Eyes II. : A magical journey towards self-knowledge 🤗 🌟

Deep in an antique shop, on a dusty shelf, lay a mirror. A mirror whose secrets had been hidden for millennia. But what happens when someone finally uncovers its mysteries? Are you ready to learn the mirror's story? 🪞✨


The Mirror of Eyes II. : A magical journey towards self-knowledge 🤗 🌟


The storm raged on. ⛈️ The mirror's surface trembled, and suddenly a bright beam shot out from it. 🌟 Old Marton's frail hands reached for the light. With his last breath, he uttered the magic words, and a young girl's face appeared in the mirror.

Her eyes met his in the reflection. 👀

Marton knew he had found his successor.


At the moment Esther, who was walking past the Old Times Bookstore, stopped and looked into the mirror. Her gaze met the girl's in the reflection. For a moment, it felt like two worlds had collided. 🌌


Esther, the brave and curious young girl, became the chosen successor. She quickly understood the mirror's power and dedicated herself to deciphering the messages hidden within it. 🕵️‍♀️🔮


The Mysterious Boy


At twilight, when the city was already asleep, a shadow appeared at the bookstore door. The boy's face was pale, his eyes blinded by the light. He stumbled towards the mirror like a shipwrecked sailor who had finally reached land. ⚓ As he looked into it, his face contorted with fear. A dark, threatening future unfolded before him in the mirror's depths. 😨

Esther, who was already waiting for him, spoke softly, "Don't be afraid, the mirror only shows what could be. Your future is in your hands." ✨ The boy looked up at her, doubt and hope battling in his eyes. But Esther's words gave him strength. "Fight for your dreams!

Do the best you can," she encouraged him. The boy nodded and decided to face the future, whatever it held. 💪


The Mysterious Stranger


Another day, a mysterious figure appeared in the city. The stranger, whose gaze was deeper than the sea, spent months researching the mirror's secrets. 🌊 He searched dusty shelves in old libraries, deciphering ancient symbols. Finally, on a dark, stormy night, he knelt before the Mirror of Eyes. As he looked into it, the mirror's surface came to life, and an inscription in an ancient language appeared. 📜 The inscription spoke of the mirror's origin and power, of the gateway that was the gateway to the soul. It connected people to their past, present, and future. The mirror, which had previously been just an antique, suddenly became the center of the world's attention. 🌍


The mysterious stranger's discovery shook the city. People came from far and wide to see the miracle with their own eyes. Lines snaked around the mirror, everyone wanting to know their own future. Travelers brought stories from distant lands, bringing new ideas and hope to the locals. ✈️ A new chapter began in the city's life. People realized that the mirror's magic was not just entertainment, but also a responsibility.

The mirror did not promise magical solutions, but it helped people understand themselves and find their place in the world. 🌟


Marton died peacefully, knowing that the mirror's legacy was in good hands. The Old Times Bookstore remained the pride of the city, and the mirror served as an eternal reminder that we are all unique and valuable. 💖 The tales of the mirror continued to whisper through the cobblestone streets, inspiring people to believe in magic and look at the world with an open heart. The magic at the deep of the mirror helped people find their place in the world and deepen their self-knowledge. 🌠


But the story of the mirror doesn't end here. The mysterious boy's adventures are just beginning. 🌟


Dear Reader!


A) What does the mirror symbolize to you in the story? 🪞


B) If you were Esther, how would you handle the immense responsibility of the mirror? 🌈


C) If you were the mysterious boy, how would you accept your future? What changes would you make in your life? 🌍


D) What does it mean to you that the past doesn't determine the future? Do you have any experiences that support this? 🔄


I would love to read your answers to any of these questions that came to mind as you read. 🌟✨


Maria Dubaber

Visual Art Therapist


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